Health Books and Videos
BEST Resources for physical medicine- by Dr. Makani Lew, DC, DACRB
(Condensed and Revised 10/7/2023)
This is a list of all my fave "go to" resources. It includes hyperlinks to webpages I follow and to locations where one can purchase the items I am speaking of.
1) Health Books are Videos - what I keep on the shelf
2) Best Blogs, Seminars, and Journals
3) E-Book, etc Links
Go check out my YouTube playlists- these were made "on the fly" for my students... so have fun joining a class in session:
(note, if you have turned on AdBlock- the hyperlinks on this page may not appear)
I consider a well-trained chiropractor to be three
1) a musculo-skeletal expert if not a
neuro-musculo-skeletal expert
2) a whole body doctor who sees the whole patient not
just a part
3) a guide or coach who provides ways to
empower the patient to wellness
Therefore, these references are listed in order of
"favorite-ness" according to me.
In fact I've gone so far as to write ~BUY THIS~ on things
I think absolutely should be read and re-read and well-worn on the
chiropractor's shelf. Although, I would suggest owning and reading most all of these texts listed.
NOTE: Remember- Kindle books can be read on any device- on a Kindle itself or with a free App or software that you download to your laptop, computer, mobile device, or tablet for free from Amazon. Here is a link to the Free Kindle Reading Apps. Furthermore, you can highlight and look up words from a Kindle book- this allows you to review the hotspots if you are using a Kindle book to study for something. For more info
NOTE: Remember- Kindle books can be read on any device- on a Kindle itself or with a free App or software that you download to your laptop, computer, mobile device, or tablet for free from Amazon. Here is a link to the Free Kindle Reading Apps. Furthermore, you can highlight and look up words from a Kindle book- this allows you to review the hotspots if you are using a Kindle book to study for something. For more info
- Bergmann, T and Peterson, D. Chiropractic Technique: Principles and Procedures, 3e, 2011
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ The book comes with online access to over 300 videos on how to palpate and adjust.
- Travell, J + Simmons, D. Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual (2-Volume Set), 1999, 1993
- Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction Upper Body
-volume 1
- Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction Lower Body -volume 2
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ I am constantly amazed at what each chapter offers
- Souza, T. Differential Diagnosis And Management For The Chiropractor, 5th ed 2015
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ It's the Merck Manual mixed with some rehab concepts and helps us keep our patients safe and correctly diagnosed
- Cramer, G and Darby, S. Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and ANS, 3e
, 2013
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ The neurology is clear and finally something explains BACK PAIN in a logical manner. This book also has an excellent online version.
- FitzGerald,
MJT. Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience: With STUDENT CONSULT Access, 6e (Fitzgerald, Clincal Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience)
, 2011
- The online access to this book is great. You can search and find easily.
- Drake, R. Gray's Anatomy for Students: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e, 2009
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ The online resources that come with this book are outstanding. You have access to an embryology textbook and quiz questions.
- Hall, J. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 12e (Guyton Physiology), 2010
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ Everyone, let alone every doctor should have a good physiology textbook. The online access for this book is excellent.
- Gatterman, M. Foundations of Chiropractic: Subluxation, 2e, 1995
- Leach, RA. The Chiropractic Theories: A Textbook of Scientific Research, 4th ed., 2004
- Haldemann, S. Principles and Practices of Chiropractic, 2004
- Hoppenfeld, S. Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities, 1976.
- Neumann, DA. Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation, 2e, 2002.
- Ebrall,PS. Assessment of the Spine, 1e, 2004
- Nordin, M and Frankel, VH. Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System, 2012
- Bogduk, N. Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine, 2002
- Aad van der El, Orthopedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis: Spine and Temporomandibular Joints, 2010
- Kirkaldy-Willis, W. Managing Low Back Pain, 1992.
- Vizniak, Nikita. Muscle Manual and other Manuals: Physical Assessment, Physical Medicine, Conditions Manual.
- Liebenson, C. Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitioner's Manual, 2nd Ed. 2006 (he also has a website ~great resource for the rehab you should do with your patient. This book comes with a great DVD- that has tons of info that you can use with your patients.
- Hyde, T.and Geggenback, M. Conservative Management of Sports Injuries, 2007
- Hammer, W. Functional Soft Tissue Examination And Treatment By Manual Methods, 2005. Warren Hammer began it all many years back. His knowledge and presentation to this day makes working with soft tissue fun and much more effective.
- Page,Phillip. Assessment and Treatment of Muscle Imbalance:The Janda Approach, 2009
- Cook, Gray. Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies, 2011. As Gray Cook simply say- to look at our bodies myopically is to miss all there is to see. The Kindle version of this book is only $9.99. So I consider this a no brainer. Everyone who works with folks with musculoskeletal issues should own and read it and reread it!
- Chaitow, L. Maintaining Body Balance, Flexibility & Stability: A Practical Guide to the Prevention & Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain & Dysfunction, 1e, 2003
- Kisner C and Colby LA. Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques (Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations & Techniques) (5th edition), 2007. This is also available as a Kindle version.
- Myers, T. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists, 2e, 2008
- Ellenbecker, T. Effective Functional Progressions in Sport Rehabilitation, 2009
- Durkin, Todd. The IMPACT! Body Plan: Build New Muscle, Flatten Your Belly & Get Your Mind Right!, 2011
- National Academy of Sports Medicine. NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training, 2010
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ The physical book comes with online access to an e-version as well as access to online videos.
- National Academy of Sports Medicine. NASM Essentials Of Personal Fitness Training: Fourth Edition Revised
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ It is so full of great info- easy to understand. Excellent for the personal fitness trainer and the doctor who wants to help his patients get back to excellent health and movement. The book comes with a code to online access including access to the book and other tools.
- Vernikos, J. Sitting Kills, Moving Heals: How Everyday Movement Will Prevent Pain, Illness, and Early Death - and Exercise Alone Won't, 2011
- Kovacs, M. Dynamic Stretching: The Revolutionary New Warm-up Method to Improve Power, Performance and Range of Motion, 2009
- Boyles, M. Advances in Functional Training: Training Techniques for Coaches, Personal Trainers and Athletes
, 2011
- Cook, G. Athletic Body in Balance
, 2003. Gray Cook has a way of seeing movement as a whole and helping us remember that we are not just a shoulder but an arm connected to the body through a shoulder.
- McGill, Stuart. Low Back Disorders, Second Edition
, 2007
- American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription
- Nordenstrom, J. Evidence-Based Medicine: In Sherlock Holmes' Footsteps 2006
- Haneline, M. Evidence-based Chiropractic Practice, 2006
- Norman G and Streiner D. PDQ Statistics (PDQ Series) Third Edition 2003
- Guyatt, G et al. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, Second Edition (Jama & Archives Journals) 2008
- Yochum, TR & Rowe, LJ. Essentials of Skeletal Radiology (2 Vol. Set), 3rd edition, 2005
- ~BUY THIS BOOK~ not only includes excellent x-ray info but also helps the reader understand the disease behind the x-ray
- Marchiori, D Clinical Imaging: With Skeletal, Chest and Abdomen Pattern Differentials, 2004
- Cleland, J + Koppenhaver, S. Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2e (Netter Clinical Science), 2010
- Magee, D. Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 5e, 2007
- White, A & Panjabi M. Biomechanics in the Musculoskeletal System, 2000
- This is the text used as the reference on pretty much any biomechanics paper or study.
- Levangie, PK and Norkin, CC. Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis, 2011
Best Blogs, Seminars, and Journals
What blogs do I love to follow? And what seminars do I think are essential? And how do you keep up on all the new literature? I especially like ones that keep me thinking on my feet and include new data on exercise and rehab. So here's my list (and yes, it will be constantly updated...)
SEMINARS (Keep the mind alive and participate!)
- ACA Rehab
- The ACA Rehab Symposium in Feb/March 2012 changed my life. This should be an annual event for all!
- 2016 ACA Rehab Symposium will be in March and in Las Vegas- details to come
- Check out the Rehab Journal
- Perform Better
- 3-day Seminars every summer. The 2012 and 2013 Long Beach summits again were life-changers for me. I will go every year, no question! I went to Chicago in 2014 and it did not disappoint!. And since then I've either been to their one-day or the 3-day summit every year.
- Functional Movement (FMS/SFMA)
- Level 1 and 2 FMS and SFMA Seminars are throughout the year... but they sell out early!
- International Fascia Research Congress
- Gray Cook
- Movement
- Movement Lectures (fee to download)
- Mike Boyle
- Todd Durkin
- Mike Reinold
Video Playlists
- Rehabilitation Concepts - many featuring Craig Liebenson- check it out. This list will be changing as I find more to share. Dr. Lew's Active Care YouTube Playlist
How to be Efficient in Keeping up with Research
- Have the Table of Contents of each issue of your favorite journals sent to your email box
- Subscribe for updates based on your interests. Here are two I use:
- Read the “good” blogs- ones that use EBM (evidence-based medicine) approaches combined with hands-on experience.
- Go to seminars and attend conferences
List of Chiropractic and Active Care Relevant MEDLINE INDEXED Journals
(see below on how I came to this list) ***
- Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine - Ann Phys Rehabil Med
- British journal of sports medicine - BJSM - Br J Sports Med
- Current sports medicine reports - Curr Sports Med Rep
- European Spine Journal - Eur Spine J
- Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies - J Bodyw Mov Ther
- Journal of Manipulative Physiologic Therapeutics – JMPT - J Manipulative Physiol Ther
- Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy - JOSPT- JOrtho sports Phys Ther
- Journal of Physiotherapy - J of Physiotherapy
- Journal of sport & exercise psychology - J Sport Exerc Psycho
- Journal of Sport Rehabilitation - J Sport Rehabil
- Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association - J Strength Cond Res
- Manual Therapy - Man Ther
- Medicine and science in sports and exercise (ASCM) - Med Sci Sports Exerc
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America - Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am
- Physical Therapy - Phys Ther
- Physical Therapy in Sport - Phys Ther Sport
- Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy Research International – Physiother Res Int
- Spine- Spine (26 issues/year)
- Sports Medicine – Sports Med
- The Spine Journal – Spine J
Organizations to follow
- American Academy of Orthopedic Medical Physical Therapist (AAOMPT)
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
- National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
- National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
- International Fascia Research Congress
*** How I came to MEDLINE INDEXED list
Note: A journal listed on PubMed doesn’t mean it’s indexed in Medline
Being indexed in Medline is of higher “peer-reviewed journal” status than simply being on PubMed. So I searched on PubMed under the NLM Catalog with these Search terms: currentlyindexed[All] AND "something"
(As of 2/17/2014)
The “somethings” included are listed below (# is number of results):
currentlyindexed[All] AND "chiropractic” (2)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "manipulation” (2)
currentlyindexed[All] AND “manual therapy” (1)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "physical therapy” (17)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "physiotherapy” (5)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "exercise” (17)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "rehabilitation” (51)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "spine” (21)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "sport” (17)
currentlyindexed[All] AND "sports” (31)
QUICKLINKS to the most common e-book and web resources I use

Perform Better! (Seminars and Equipment)
They always have great sales- check them out! (click on the logo to go there)
Check out Alwyn Cosgrove's RAMP - The 21st Century Warm-up DVD
How to create a good warm up program from easy to hard and give you some workouts to do to boot.
Any book or DVD by Mike Boyle is amazing
All Books and DVDs by Mike Boyle and Functional Strength Coach DVD Set
Elsevier Publisher and Mosby Publisher. Provides links to Pageburst or VitalSource
Video (1:42 min) Abdominal bracing by Dr. Liebenson
Video (1:18 min) Dying Bug + Respiration by Dr. Liebenson
Video (0:36 min) Dead Bug–Wall Push by Chad Waterbury
Video (4:10 min)Waterloo ’s Dr. Spine, Stuart McGill
Articles (*must reads*)
- Stuart McGill: Low Back Stabilization (The McGill Big Three)
(these links will open a new tab or browser web page)
- Thera-Band Academy Exercise Resources
- Functional Movement Resources- articles, videos, training, equipment
- Gray Cook's blog + links for his Movement Book
- Mike Boyle's blog
- Stuart McGill's website
- Healthy Recipes and Snacks- a list made by Makani Lew
Perform Better! (Seminars and Equipment)
They always have great sales- check them out! (click on the logo to go there)
I go to the 3-day summit every year. Totally rocks my world!
Some of my Perform Better favorites:
Some of my Perform Better favorites:
Kettle Bell Training with Gray Cook- help your patients and clients get strong with Kettlebells safely and specific to their body's needs! Kettlebells from the Center DVD/Manual
Check out Alwyn Cosgrove's RAMP - The 21st Century Warm-up DVD
How to create a good warm up program from easy to hard and give you some workouts to do to boot.
Any book or DVD by Mike Boyle is amazing
All Books and DVDs by Mike Boyle and Functional Strength Coach DVD Set
QUICKLINKS to access Online Books and Associated Videos
Note: You have to own the book and have a code + username to use the publisher links.
For many textbooks you can get both a hard copy or Kindle version AND an online e-book or access to online videos, practice quizzes or associated textbooks. I've listed these various publisher links to allow me fast access to the books I use regularly.
(Note, the book hyperlinks listed here provided go to and will open a new page)
For many textbooks you can get both a hard copy or Kindle version AND an online e-book or access to online videos, practice quizzes or associated textbooks. I've listed these various publisher links to allow me fast access to the books I use regularly.
(Note, the book hyperlinks listed here provided go to and will open a new page)
Elsevier Publisher and Mosby Publisher. Provides links to Pageburst or VitalSource
(NOTE: if you want to watch the associated videos with the Bergmann or the Brotzman text, you need a Flash Driver. For iPad, etc. I use Puffin Browser (paid version, $2.99) for this.)
Books by Elsevier Publisher and Mosby Publisher
- Brotzman, SB. Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach - Expert Consult: Print and Online, 3e (Expert Consult Title: Online + Print)
Elsevier Publisher Online Resources
- FitzGerald, MJT. Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience: With STUDENT CONSULTOnline Access, 5e (Fitzgerald, Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience), 2006
Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers
- NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training
- Clark, M, Lucett S and Sutton B. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training
- NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training
- Clark, M, Lucett S and Sutton B. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training
- Thera-Band Exercise Sheets, Videos and Blog-
- Up to date info on evidence regarding chiropractic-
- Designed to Move- A Physical Activity Action Agenda-
Video (1:42 min) Abdominal bracing by Dr. Liebenson
Video (1:18 min) Dying Bug + Respiration by Dr. Liebenson
Video (0:36 min) Dead Bug–Wall Push by Chad Waterbury
Video (4:10 min)
Articles (*must reads*)
- Stuart McGill: Low Back Stabilization (The McGill Big Three)
- Gray Cook: Function (commentary)
- Gray Cook and Lee Burton: The Functional Movement Screen (overview)
- Gray Cook: Function (commentary)
- Gray Cook and Lee Burton: The Functional Movement Screen (overview)
(* means it's also recommended by Jeff Tucker, DC Rehab Diplomate Seminar Series)
Airex Balance Pad- This thick and very soft pad is amazing for balance work, under knees that hate kneeling, under the sacrum for supine core work, etc. It is a bit pricey, but totally worth it.
Safe Balance Beam for Testing and Training- Gray Cook uses this to test and train folks for balance. He sets up 3 of them in a row with a few obstacles in between and says, "use three different ways to step along the beam, don't knock over the obstacles while you pass around them, and don't fall off." Excellent and safe! Poly Balance Beam
Valslides (or furniture movers can work) are amazing tools to create an unstable surface and bump up the core workout.
PASSIVE CARE TOOLS for the Doctor's Office or Patient's Home Care
These are Dr. Lew's Top Picks- all have been tried over many years
- Tim Watson: Tissue Repair
(* means it's also recommended by Jeff Tucker, DC Rehab Diplomate Seminar Series)
- Rocktape*- best kinesiology tape around, most sticky, and coolest colors and designs
- Rocktape website- videos, handouts, seminars
- Rocktape available on Rocktape Kinesiology Tape for Athletes (Beige, 2-Inch x 16.5-Feet)
- Chattanooga Stabilizer*- a nice biofeedback tool to help your patients learn how to activate their lumbar multifidi or cervical muscles.
Airex Balance Pad- This thick and very soft pad is amazing for balance work, under knees that hate kneeling, under the sacrum for supine core work, etc. It is a bit pricey, but totally worth it.
Training with Airex Balance Pad DVD |
Safe Balance Beam for Testing and Training- Gray Cook uses this to test and train folks for balance. He sets up 3 of them in a row with a few obstacles in between and says, "use three different ways to step along the beam, don't knock over the obstacles while you pass around them, and don't fall off." Excellent and safe! Poly Balance Beam
Valslides (or furniture movers can work) are amazing tools to create an unstable surface and bump up the core workout.
PASSIVE CARE TOOLS for the Doctor's Office or Patient's Home Care
These are Dr. Lew's Top Picks- all have been tried over many years
- This plug-in heating pad that creates a very deep feeling moist heat. Auto-off switch or manual hold switch makes it safer and it comes with removable and washable flannel cover. There is no need to wet a sponge to make it moist heat. It delivers convection AND conduction, which means a better therapeutic effect.Thermophore Moist Hot Pack by Battlecreek- The *BEST* (in my personal opinion) heating pad around. I've had mine for 20 years. The most versatile size is 14x27 size which costs ~ $50-$70 and can cover the entire spine or wrap around a knee, etc.
Links (Opens in a new browser window)
- Home page
- About Dr. Lew, DC, DACRB (articles, curriculum vitae, seminars attended)
- Resources (books, equipment, movement seminars- for docs and inquisitive patients)
- Thoughts (on pain, ice, etc)
- Healthy Tips (knee, sinus care, plantar fasciitis)
- Favorite Products (best heating pad, trigger point ball, etc)
Revised December 17, 2017 and then October 27. 2023